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Windows & Doors

ENERGY EFFICIENT WINDOWS Making your doors, windows and conservatory more energy efficient will reduce your energy bills and lower your carbon footprint. Find out how to reduce the amount of heat lost and how to find a reputable installer. Energy efficient glazing covers both double and triple glazing. These are windows with two or more […]
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Solar PV

SOLAR PHOTOVOLICS (PV) Solar PV, also known as photovoltaics capture the sun’s energy and convert it into electricity that can be used in your home. By installing solar panels, you can generate your own renewable electricity. How do solar panels work? A solar PV panel consists of many cells made from layers of semi-conducting material, […]
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FIRST TIME CENTRAL HEATING SYSTEM First Time Central Heating grants are Provided by the Energy Company Obligation scheme, a government scheme to funded by utility companies. This part of ECO helps low income households access funding to install central heating. A first time central heating grant may be the answer you have been looking for. […]
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CAVITY WALL INSULATION Cavity wall insulation is done by drilling holes in the outside walls, inject insulation (polystyrene bead) through the holes and then seal them with cement. Up to 20% more efficient than standard fibre insulation, bead cavity wall insulation is a grey bonded-bead system that is pressure blown into the cavity in your […]
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